
I’m Anaiah! Thank you for checking out my website and work!

For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved to read. Growing up, I would follow my mom through grocery stores, my nose tucked into a book, eyes dazed to the real world. I would read myself carsick, hide books in random crevices around the house, and stay up late under flashlight-lit blankets to flip pages, chasing adrenaline rushes and exhilarating plot twists with the stealth of secret agent. Or at least, that’s what the obsession felt like.

Now I’m on the other side of ink, and though my literary tastes have expanded to include a more sensitive and theological side of things, my aim is to infuse similar feelings into my own words, crafting relatable thought experiences for readers to wander through and process life within. If you’re looking for true stories of hope that conquers, the awe-inspiring love of God, and more on grappling with the call of God on your life, you’ve found a literary landing place. I’m excited you’re here and pray that you are blessed and encouraged.

In college, I studied English and Writing, and my heart is set on telling the stories and lessons God gives me the words and grace to share. I live in sunny, beach-y California, but I absolutely love to travel and hope to see as much of the world as possible. In my free time, I enjoy wandering in nature, drinking coffee, spending time with friends and family, and having as many good conversations as possible.

For more, check out the links below.